Agile management, adapted model for the management strategy in the project management of investment projects

Based on the feedback from the project teams at the numerous "lessons learned" conferences held in recent years, we have adapted and successfully implemented "agile management" approaches for all phases of project execution in plant construction.

Earlier, classic management strategies dogmatically placed rigid, inflexible, strongly hierarchically accentuated handling processes at the heart of project work. Interdisciplinary tasks were carried out in separate departments with sometimes high frictional losses in the areas of communication, creativity and efficiency of the resources used, such as internal and external experts.

The application of modified approaches of "agile management" in the handling of investment projects has proven to be very advantageous for the achievement of the project goals in terms of costs, quality and construction times. The individual employees of the disciplines from engineering to construction management and business administration work highly motivated by means of increased feedback rates from the continuously conducted reviews and adjustments of the respective sub-goals. Necessary measures are identified very quickly and consistently implemented. This agility is promoted and demanded by the change in management strategy. We increase the willingness of our employees to accept criticism, flexibility, transparency and efficiency through "training on the job" already in the early phases of project execution.

Since we have been able to achieve significant improvements in project execution, we recommend the method of adapted "agile management" for the management strategy in the execution of your investment projects.
